
Understanding Child Support In Connecticut

When Your Divorce Is Amicable

Sometimes, divorces can be heated sources of constant conflict, but in other instances, the partners can come together to figure things out. If you and your former spouse have decided to end your marriage in a positive way, there are certain steps that you two can take to make the process a little bit easier. […]

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Discussing Money In Your Divorce

When you and your partner decide that it’s time to end your marriage, there can be a significant emotional toll. In addition to this struggle, there are also serious legal discussions that need to happen in order to complete this process. For divorce in the state of Connecticut, the court requires an “equitable” division of […]

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The dissolution of a marriage is emotionally difficult, and our team meets you where you are with compassion and understanding.


We represent you and your children’s best interests through custody matters by gaining a thorough understanding of your situation.

Other Services

Our attorneys can provide representation for your children’s best interests and safety when parties cannot reach agreement.