
Looking Out For Your Child’s Best Interests

Looking Out For Your Child’s Best Interests

best interests north haven ct

Divorce can be a struggle for anyone, but when there is a shared child involved, the discussion becomes much more serious. Their needs come first, and finding a way to manage life around them can be difficult even when both of the parents agree on major issues. If the parents do not have a functional relationship, this is an area where fireworks can fly, and so sometimes, an additional guardian is necessary to look out for the child’s best interests.

At Charles & Concilio, P.C., we understand how important it is to take care of your child. We also know that the court looks at their needs and wants to see that that they have a safe and positive upbringing. If you have started the custody negotiation process, talk to our team about your approach, as well as your tools to find a solution that works well for your child’s needs while also keeping yours in mind. Give us a call today and schedule a time to talk about your family!

A Parenting Plan Can Bring Decided Advantages

When discussing the future of your child, the other parent has a say in certain things. Some of these areas can be highly contentious, but you and the other parent may agree on particular things, and working on a parenting plan can be a great way to put those into writing. Parenting plans outline the rights and responsibilities of each parent, helping both of you to hold the other to a certain standard when raising your child.

Parenting plans are still subject to approval by your judge, but there is generally a pretty wide amount of latitude given to parents looking to come to an agreement. They can include a variety of stipulations, including religious upbringing, important medical decisions, and more. If you and the other parent can come to terms on your custody, a parenting plan can be a legally binding way of agreeing to them.

Guardian Ad Litems Look Out For The Child’s Bes Interests

The custody negotiation process can be though on everyone involved, and for that reason, sometimes a special guardian is appointed by the court to look after the child’s best interests. When this happens, a Guardian ad Litem (GAL) steps in to ensure that the child has they care that they need. Since custody can sometimes be viewed as a dispute between two parents, this gives the child their own advocate, one who is not paid by or influenced by a mother or father.

Learn More With Charles & Concilio, P.C.

If it is time to discuss custody, talk to our team about ways to keep your child’s best interests at heart. To find out more about parenting plans or the Guardian ad Litem program, please give us a call at Charles & Concilio, LLC located in Greenwich, CT at (203)234-1000!


The dissolution of a marriage is emotionally difficult, and our team meets you where you are with compassion and understanding.


We represent you and your children’s best interests through custody matters by gaining a thorough understanding of your situation.

Other Services

Our attorneys can provide representation for your children’s best interests and safety when parties cannot reach agreement.