A new chapter begins. Charles & Boni-Vendola, LLC is pleased and proud to announce that Corrine Boni-Vendola has been appointed by the State of Connecticut as a Superior Court Judge. While we will miss her in the daily trenches, we could not be happier for or prouder of Corrine. She will be sworn in today, March 26, 2024, and we look forward to seeing her on the bench continuing her work in the legal system.

With Corrine’s departure, we will be continuing as a new partnership, Charles & Concilio, PC. Nicole Concilio, who has been an attorney for 20 years and has worked with Corrine and Marianne for 17 of those years, going forward will be a named partner. She is well deserving, and we look forward to her ongoing loyalty and diligence to the practice of Family Law.

Marianne, Nicole, and the excellent staff at Charles & Concilio, PC, will continue to expertly serve Fairfield and New Haven counties in all matters related to family and matrimonial law.


Know Your Custody Steps

Know Your Custody Steps

raise the stakes north haven ct

If you and the other parent have decided to call it quits, it can be an emotional time for you two. For your child, this can mean serious life changes, and you want them to know that they are safe moving forward. The state of Connecticut wants to see a safe and healthy upbringing for your child, as well, and this has to play a role in your decisions about where and how you two are going to raise your shared children.

At Charles & Concilio, P.C., we know that your child is the most important thing in your life, and we can help you to understand your options. Here in Connecticut, our courts want to see that the two parents have it covered, and a parenting plan can be a helpful way to do that. This is a signed agreement from both parents detailing the rights and responsibilities of each of you, and they can include a wide range of topics, from religious upbringing to important medical decisions. To find out more about the advantage of a parenting plan during your custody process, give us a call today!

Parenting Plans Help You Two To Set Boundaries

As a parent, you do not always necessarily agree with your partner in parenting. To put it simply, different people have different views and values. But when it comes to raising a child, it is important to be able to unite when it is necessary, and this can be more difficult to do when you two have split as a couple.

When discussing your steps in legal custody of your child, you have the opportunity to work alongside your former partner to establish some parenting rules. This is possible through the creation of a document called a parenting plan, and it can help you two to set boundaries.

How Does A Parenting Plan Work?

Parenting plans are signed agreements that outline the rights and responsibilities of each parent. Once they have been signed by both parties and a judge has had a chance to look them over, they become legally binding, holding both you and the other parent to a certain set of standards.

During your custody process, a parenting plan can hold significant weight. Our judges like to see that the parents have things covered on their own, if possible, and coming together to craft an agreement can be a way to show your dedicationto the court.

Find Out More About Custody With Charles & Concilio, P.C.

Is it time to talk about legal custody of your shared child? To find out more about the advantages of a parenting plan in Connecticut custody, give us a call at Charles & Concilio, LLC in Greenwich, CT at (203)234-1000.


The dissolution of a marriage is emotionally difficult, and our team meets you where you are with compassion and understanding.


We represent you and your children’s best interests through custody matters by gaining a thorough understanding of your situation.

Other Services

Our attorneys can provide representation for your children’s best interests and safety when parties cannot reach agreement.