When it is time to end your relationship with your current spouse, you might think that divorce is your only option. But here in the state of Connecticut, there are certain other possibilities. These instances can happen in specific instances, so talk with a team of trusted local attorneys to understand the key differences between them and divorce. In order to know what path is right for you, you should be informed of all of your possibilities.
With our team of helpful divorce attorneys at Charles & Concilio, LLC in Greenwich, CT, you can be sure that you have a knowledgeable resource when you need to end your relationship. For some, a legal annulment is the next step, giving you two the opportunity to state that the marriage was never valid to begin with. This can be helpful in very specific circumstances, so talk with your attorney and see if this is something that could be a benefit for you and your family. Legal separation is another possibility, in which you and your spouse stay married, but have freedoms awarded by the court. If you want to avoid a traditional divorce, talk to our team about all of your options!
An Annulment Is One Possibility To Avoid Divorce
With an annulment, the state of Connecticut recognizes that your marriage should never have been valid in the first place. If you are looking for a solution to end your marriage without divorce, an annulment is one of the available options in the state of Connecticut. It is important to remember that these can only happen in certain circumstances, so take the time to talk to your attorney about the possibility.
The process of obtaining an annulment in Connecticut can be tricky, and only certain couples qualify. For instance, if one or both of you were still legally married to another person when obtaining your license, the state does not recognize bigamy. This is however, different from religious annulment, so talk to our team to learn more about the differences.
Legal Separation May Be Right For You And Yours
Another option to help you split with your spouse without divorce is through legal separation. This acts in many of the same ways as a divorce, but you can continue to maintain your marriage in the eyes of the court. This process can be helpful for those with certain religious beliefs, and also for those with older children. Let your child leave the house before you and the other parent fully split up!
Learn More With Our Helpful Connecticut Divorce Attorneys
Even if it is time to end your marriage, you might not yet be ready for divorce. To learn about whether legal separation or annulment are right for you, give us a call at Charles & Concilio, LLC located in Greenwich, CT at (203)234-1000!