If you are the parent of a young child, divorce can be a tricky situation. Firstly, there is all of the emotional stress of ending a significant relationship, and the division of finances can be another area of disagreement. But even beyond these concerns, you need to come to a consensus on how to raise your child. One of the ways that you make sure that everyone is in agreement is through a document known as a parenting plan.
With our team of expert divorce attorneys in Greenwich, CT, you can take positive steps in developing a plan that can work for both of you. By working alongside your former partner to prepare for life apart, you give yourselves the opportunity to be a little more flexible with your arrangement. This document can detail a wide variety of different stipulations, from your child’s religious upbringing to how you handle serious medical decisions. With a practical custody agreement in place, you can also develop a schedule of visitations that works for both of you!
When You Have A Child, Divorce Becomes More Complicated
Let’s face it: divorce is rarely a simple process. Even when you and your former partner agree that it is time to end the marriage, there are legal discussions that need to take place. These negotiations can include separating your finances and debts, which is often an area of contention. Finding a quality attorney early on in the process can help you to have a dedicated advocate who puts your needs first.
When you and your former partner share a child together, there is another discussion that needs to take place. The state of Connecticut recognizes that it has a vested interest in seeing that this child has a healthy upbringing. Your judge will make a final determination on your plans for custody with the child’s needs in mind.
A Custody Agreement Gives You More Flexibility As Parents
One of the ways that you two have in deciding custody is through a document known as a parenting plan. This is a shared contract between you and the other parent that outlines the responsibilities and rights of each of you. When you find that common ground, you can have more control over things like a schedule of visitations. By giving the judge a detailed plan in co-parenting your little one, you can show them that you can work together for the sake of the child.
Develop A Parenting Plan With A Dedicated Connecticut Attorney
If you and the other parent have come to the conclusion that it is best to end your marriage, talk to a lawyer about your options. To learn more about the advantages of a practical custody agreement, give us a call at Charles & Concilio, LLC located in Greenwich, CT at (203)234-1000!