When you need to discuss divorce, make sure that you have a knowledgeable source of information. A qualified attorney can help you to understand the nuance in each step of your divorce, and they can be a great resource so that you know your rights. Ending a marriage is never the easiest thing in the world, but it can be a lost more difficult when you are trying to do it alone.
Make sure you know your next moves with our team of helpful divorce attorneys in Greenwich, CT at the law offices of Charles & Concilio, LLC. Divorce can be a complex process, and having a dedicated guide can help you to navigate these waters. When you need to make sense of divorce in the state of Connecticut, reach out to our team and schedule an appointment. Set aside some time quickly after you decide to end your marriage and make plans to move forward with your life!
Each Divorce Has Its Own Set Of Unique Challenges
Here in the state of Connecticut, there are certain steps in ending a marriage in the eyes of the court. Sometimes, these can become contentious between the two of you, so it is important to understand your rights and your options at every point along the way. This helps you to make better decisions, and it also gives you the chance to truly fight for what’s yours.
One common area of disagreement is the separation of your financial wealth. In Connecticut, the law requires that your assets and liabilities be divided “equitably.” Note that this term does not necessarily mean that there will be an equal division of your wealth, but that each side receives a fair portion of what you own together. In our state, all property is shared, so everything that you own is potentially up for discussion. Talk to a knowledgeable divorce attorney about steps to protect your assets.
When A Child Is Involved, Things Can Become Complicated
Do you and your former spouse share a child? Alongside the separation of assets, custody is another common area of contention during divorce. You need to know your rights and responsibilities as a parent, and your attorney is a great source of this information.
By establishing a parenting plan, you and the other parent can come together to agree on important elements of raising your child. From vital medical decisions to educational choices, a parenting plan can be a real help in establishing ground rules.
Know Your Rights During Divorce With Our Attorneys
Divorce can be confusing when you do not have a trusted source of information about the process. To set up a time to meet, give us a call at Charles & Concilio, LLC located in Greenwich, CT at (203)234-1000!