Here in the state of Connecticut, our court system wants to make sure that children have a healthy upbringing. Sometimes, that means redistributing resources from one parent to the other. This can happen in a variety of circumstances, so it is important to talk to a trusted attorney within our state to learn more about what child support means for your family. There are numerous moving parts when it comes to custody, and a local family law attorney can help you to understand them better.
At Charles & Concilio, P.C. in Cos Cob, CT, we understand the value of giving your little one a happy and healthy childhood. If you have been thinking about seeking child support from your former spouse or partner, talk to our team about your options, as well as your next steps. We can provide accurate information and share our experiences with the court system, helping you to know what is available and achievable. To find out more about the child support process in our state, contact our office today.
Connecticut Lays Out Its Child Support Payment Guidelines
Our state values both the health and the safety of our children. Making sure that resources are available for both of you can be a significant part of that discussion. If one of you has access to more opportunity than the other, then it can make it tough for the two of you to raise a child in the most successful way. This is where child support payments come into play.
Here in Connecticut, the judicial branch has a set of guidelines that the courts use to make a determination on any necessary payments from one parent to the other. This process takes into account the income of each of you, the role of each parent, and more to help you to raise your child in a healthy way. When you have questions about these guidelines, talk to a local family law attorney about what they mean for you and your family.
Talking Things Through With A Parenting Plan
If you and the other parent want to put down your goals onto paper, a parenting plan can be a helpful way of doing that. These documents, also known as custody agreements, outline the rights and responsibilities of each of you. They can include a wide range of topics, including religious upbringing and the way you handle important medical decisions. Once signed by both parties and approved by a judge, these become legally binding.
Talk To Charles & Concilio, P.C. Today
If it is time to discuss custody, reach out to a trusted family law attorney with the right experience. To learn more about child support in Connecticut, call The Law Offices of Charles & Concilio, P.C. in Cos Cob, CT at (203)234-1000 today.