A new chapter begins. Charles & Boni-Vendola, LLC is pleased and proud to announce that Corrine Boni-Vendola has been appointed by the State of Connecticut as a Superior Court Judge. While we will miss her in the daily trenches, we could not be happier for or prouder of Corrine. She will be sworn in today, March 26, 2024, and we look forward to seeing her on the bench continuing her work in the legal system.

With Corrine’s departure, we will be continuing as a new partnership, Charles & Concilio, PC. Nicole Concilio, who has been an attorney for 20 years and has worked with Corrine and Marianne for 17 of those years, going forward will be a named partner. She is well deserving, and we look forward to her ongoing loyalty and diligence to the practice of Family Law.

Marianne, Nicole, and the excellent staff at Charles & Concilio, PC, will continue to expertly serve Fairfield and New Haven counties in all matters related to family and matrimonial law.


Reaching A Custody Agreement In Connecticut

Reaching A Custody Agreement In Connecticut

custody in connecticut north haven ct

When you and your partner split up, the adjustment can be difficult. If these is a shared child involved, this change does not just affect you two, but your little one, as well, and it is important to talk with a trusted local attorney about ways to make things a little easier on them. Custody is a central issue for family courts across the nation, and Connecticut is no exception, meaning that your judge will look closely at your situation and make a decision that is best for the health and safety of your child.

If it is time to talk about custody, take some time to meet with the law offices of Charles & Concilio, LLC in Greenwich, CT. We can help you to make sense of the situation, and we can also help you to understand your options at every step of the way so that you can make the decisions that work for your family. Parenting plans are one way for both parents to come together for the sake of the child, detailing the rights and responsibilities of each parent, and they can be helpful in giving you two a bit more flexibility in how you proceed forward. Talk to our team today to learn more about your choices in custody!

A Path Forward In Legal And Physical Custody

Here in Connecticut, the courts take the subject of custody very seriously. After all, your child is vulnerable, and the state has a vested interest in keeping them safe to adulthood. Under Connecticut law, a judge makes the final determination in regard to custody, and the presumption is that joint legal custody is generally the healthiest option for the child.

Legal custody differs from physical custody in a few different ways, and so it is important to understand how. Physical custody refers to whichever parent houses the child for the majority of the time, and legal custody encompasses all of the important decisions that parents make. Both of these can be valuable as a parent, but every family has their own specific needs.

Parenting Plans Help You To Put Things On Paper

If you and the other parent can come together to agree upon certain issues, it can be helpful to put this into writing. Custody agreements and parenting plans can be a great tool for divorced or unmarried single parents. These detail the rights and responsibilities of each of you, and by working together, you can outline a future without having to rely solely on the judge.

Learn More About Custody Agreements In Connecticut!

When you need to plan out your path for custody of your child, talk to our team about your options. To learn more about parenting plans, give us a call at Charles & Concilio, LLC located in Greenwich, CT at (203)234-1000!


The dissolution of a marriage is emotionally difficult, and our team meets you where you are with compassion and understanding.


We represent you and your children’s best interests through custody matters by gaining a thorough understanding of your situation.

Other Services

Our attorneys can provide representation for your children’s best interests and safety when parties cannot reach agreement.