Sometimes, divorces can be heated sources of constant conflict, but in other instances, the partners can come together to figure things out. If you and your former spouse have decided to end your marriage in a positive way, there are certain steps that you two can take to make the process a little bit easier. Amicable divorces can still take some time, however, so take some time to meet with a trusted legal expert to learn about some ways to speed things along.
With our expert divorce attorneys at Charles & Concilio, LLC in Greenwich, CT, you can have a determined guide through ending your marriage. Here in the state of Connecticut, there are certain needs that must be met in order to satisfy the letter of the law, and going into the process with a clear understanding of them can help you to be ready. From financial division to a discussion of custody, handle your amicable divorce with a knowledgeable legal team!
Connecticut Courts Require An Equitable Division Of Finances
One of the most common struggles in any divorce is the discussion of how to separate the wealth that you to have built together. Here in Connecticut, the courts require that all assets and liabilities must be separated “equitably,” meaning that neither partner is shut out from the division of finances. While this does not necessarily mean an equal split, that can serve as a starting point, but as you probably want to keep some assets, finding an acceptable compromise can be a helpful solution.
Connecticut also recognizes that all of your wealth is shared, and unlike some other states, you cannot shield anything you own from these negotiations. This means that everything you two have built together is on the table. Working together with a skilled divorce attorney can help you and your former partner to come to a positive agreement that works for each of you.
Custody Can Be Tricky Thing To Handle On Your Own
Alongside financial discussions, there is another common point of contention in divorces. If you and your partner share children together, you need to work together for the health and future of your little one. By putting the rights and responsibilities of each parent into writing, you can take a positive step toward moving forward with a path that puts your child first. Parenting plans help you do just that, and these can be a great way to show the court that you two have it covered.
Learn More About Divorce With Our Connecticut Attorneys
Even amicable divorces can take a little bit of effort. To find out more, speak with our team today at The Law Offices of Charles & Concilio, LLC in Greenwich, CT at (203)234-1000.