Let’s face it: divorce can be an emotionally charged subject for a number of reasons. Even if your split is amicable now, there is no guarantee that you and your partner will be able to see eye-to-eye on every topic. When you add in the financial aspects of the dissolution of a marriage, the situation can become tricky. In these times, talk with a talented team of attorneys about your options, all while keeping your rights at the forefront of every discussion.
When you are in the process of or considering a divorce, reach out to the law offices of Charles & Concilio, LLC in Greenwich, CT. We can help you to understand your options at each step of the way so that you can reach an outcome that is best for you. This process can affect many different aspects of your life, including your financial future, and if you have children, we can walk you through the custody process. Take the time to speak with a talented legal team!
Connecticut Requires An Equitable Division Of Assets And Liabilities
One of the most contentious issues related to divorce is the discussion of financial separation. While some states allow for the shielding of certain assets as personal property, Connecticut has distinct rules about the division of wealth when a marriage is legally dissolved. You will not be able to protect any assets from this process, so negotiating is key.
Our state considers all property to be collectively owned, and a judge will make a final determination to ensure that the split is deemed “equitable,” which differs from an equal division. Your negotiations can help to avoid an uncomfortable separation of your collective wealth, as your judge can rely upon this document in their decision.
Helping You Navigate the Complex World Of Custody During Divorce
If you and your former partner share a child together, the topic of custody can be another area of disagreement. Once again, however, your negotiations will serve to give the judge an outline of how you and your ex wish for things to occur. A custody agreement is a powerful tool to help you and your spouse decide on a comfortable solution for everyone.
It is important to remember that your judge will consider the needs of the child to be the most important factor. Work with your attorney through the negotiation process so that you can reach a custody agreement that the court will allow.
Learn About Your Options In Your Connecticut Divorce
Be sure that you have helpful legal counsel by your side during every step of your divorce in Connecticut. When it is time to make a change, give us a call at The Law Offices of Charles & Concilio, LLC in Greenwich, CT at 203-234-1000.