If you are going through a divorce, it can be a stressful time, and helpful legal counsel can ease you through every step of the process. One of the more emotional sides of this comes through the custody negotiations, and it is easy to become caught up in the moment. Speak with a skilled legal team with a call to the law offices of Charles & Concilio, LLC in Greenwich, CT.
A successful negotiation often includes concessions from both sides, so take the time to discuss your priorities with your counsel. Custody agreements include items central to the raising of your child, and this aspect is vital to your future. Plan with your former partner to develop a schedule of visitations that allows you both a bit of flexibility. Most importantly, work through this process for the benefit of your child; they are the reason for this discussion, and a judge will make any necessary determination based on their needs. ontact us today to learn more about the specifics of Connecticut law.
Determining Your Priorities And Following Through
The process of developing a custody agreement can take some time, even if you and your former partner are mostly on the same page. If there is an acrimonious side to the negotiation, there can be wrinkles that are tough to iron out. Your custody agreement can include many different things, depending on your particular needs. You have the opportunity to set standards for both of you during this time.
The defined roles can benefit you and your former partner, and can also give the court a look into your plan. This means that the agreement document has serious weight in terms of legal standing. Take the time to craft a plan that you are sure that you can follow.
Scheduling Can Become A Difficulty, Even With The Best Intentions
One area where separating couples can struggle is the dedicated schedule of visitations. If you are navigating shared custody, discuss ways that you and your former partner can share the responsibility in a flexible manner. Important times of year such as birthdays and holidays can become an issue, so try to be understanding. Keep your priorities in mind through the entire process.
We take the time to truly listen to our clients, so that we can work toward a positive resolution for you and your family. A flexible approach can help you to continue to rely on your former spouse as a caretaker and a parent.
Negotiating For A Positive Outcome For Your Child
The custody agreement process can seem overwhelming if you do not have trusted legal counsel on your side. Speak with Charles & Concilio, LLC located in Greenwich, CT about your options at (203)234-1000.