
Preparing For Marriage

preparing for marriage

Preparing For Marriage

When you and your partner start to think about entering into a marriage, the first thing you probably think about is the wedding. After all, it’s such a fun and exciting occasion; but getting prepared can also be an immense amount of work. As you start preparing for marriage, take some time to talk to […]

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need a fighter cos cob ct

When You Need A Fighter

One of the advantages of having an attorney is having an advocate for not only your rights, but your goals, as well. That means that a dedicated family law attorney can be a real help sometimes, so if you’ve got questions, it’s time to reach out. When it’s time to talk about divorce in Connecticut, […]

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Making Plans For Adoption Cos Cob CT

Making Plans For Adoption

Here in our state, we love to see children find their way to loving, supportive homes. We also have some rules about how this process goes in order to make sure that these little ones stay safe. If you and your partner have wanted to open up the adoption discussion, it can be helpful to […]

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Time To Talk Divorce? cos cob ct

Time To Talk Divorce?

Sometimes, relationships end. This can be a significant emotional situation, but it can also be a legal one; if you and your spouse have decided to call it quits, then it’s time to talk divorce. For some people, this can be a complex, if not downright confusing, place to be, and we’re here to help. […]

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What Does Family Law Entail?

What Does Family Law Entail?

When it comes to the law, there are certain fields that handle certain situations. You might first think about criminal attorneys, as these are the ones who wind up in primetime courtroom dramas. After all, these are the exciting cases that make splashy headlines. But there is a whole range of different types of legal […]

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making a parenting plan cos cob ct

Making A Parenting Plan

Your child means the world to you, and so, when it’s time to talk about their future, it is a serious discussion. Sometimes, parents break up, but it’s important to keep the child’s needs in your head the entire time. If you and the other parent can come together to craft a parenting plan, then […]

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family law cos cob ct

Have Family Law Questions?

There are times when it helps to have a trusted local attorney by your side. Some of these times have to do with the way you relate to others in your own family. From discussions surrounding divorce to making a plan for any shared children, understanding your steps can be tough to handle on your […]

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single parent cos cob ct

Navigating Single Parent Life

When you create a life, it’s your responsibility to make sure the little one has what they need for a healthy upbringing. Divorce can be tough, and if you and your former partner have had a child together, then there is an added level of importance to these discussions. If you and the other parent […]

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The dissolution of a marriage is emotionally difficult, and our team meets you where you are with compassion and understanding.


We represent you and your children’s best interests through custody matters by gaining a thorough understanding of your situation.

Other Services

Our attorneys can provide representation for your children’s best interests and safety when parties cannot reach agreement.