
When You Need A Fighter

When You Need A Fighter

need a fighter cos cob ct

One of the advantages of having an attorney is having an advocate for not only your rights, but your goals, as well. That means that a dedicated family law attorney can be a real help sometimes, so if you’ve got questions, it’s time to reach out. When it’s time to talk about divorce in Connecticut, custody, or another issue, talk to a trusted team; we can help you to understand your options.

Are you ready to start the conversation? Call the law office of Charles & Concilio, P.C. in Cos Cob, CT. With our team of local family attorneys, you can know what avenues are available to you in tough times. Divorce can be tough even when things are amicable, but when it’s rough, you want someone who fights for your rights. Reach out to our team to find out more about us, what we do, and what we can do for you.

Need an advocate? Call the law office of Charles & Concilio, P.C.

Divorce Can Be Tough Without The Right Information

When you and your partner decide that it’s time to go your separate ways, it’s not like just any old breakup. This is a legal partnership, and the state of Connecticut wants to make sure that it’s handled in a just and reasonable way. The state thusly has steps for you two to take to dissolve the marriage; but they’re not always the easiest rules to follow.

Reaching out to a talented legal team about your divorce early on in the process can be a significant advantage. Knowledge is power, and when you rely on online sources of information, you put yourself at risk. Taking the time to talk to a trusted family law attorney can help you to know that you are receiving accurate information about Connecticut law.

Tough Custody? Work With A Dedicated Fighter

If you and your partner have a more adversarial relationship, it can make the experience of custody negotiation a little tougher. When you two can come together to craft a parenting plan, it can outline some rules and guidelines for each of you, helping you two to have some accountability.

However, things aren’t always simple or convenient. When you need to work to find a way forward, reach out to a local family law attorney to find out more about your options. The most important thing is that your child has a happy and healthy upbringing, and the state wants to see that, too.

Find Out More With Charles & Concilio, P.C.

If it’s time to talk about divorce, custody, or another family law concern, we’re here to hear. To find out more about us or to schedule a time to talk, please call The Law Offices of Charles & Concilio, P.C. in Cos Cob, CT at (203)234-1000 today.


The dissolution of a marriage is emotionally difficult, and our team meets you where you are with compassion and understanding.


We represent you and your children’s best interests through custody matters by gaining a thorough understanding of your situation.

Other Services

Our attorneys can provide representation for your children’s best interests and safety when parties cannot reach agreement.