
A Path Forward During Divorce

A Path Forward During Divorce

path forward cos cob ct

Breaking up is never the simplest thing to do, but when you are married, there are certain legal steps that the state requires. A big part of this process is separating your financial wealth, and this can be contentious. Here in the state of Connecticut, we operate under a guiding principle known as “equitable distribution,” which looks to find a fair path forward for both parties. And if you two share any children together, custody is another common area of disagreement between divorcing couples.

At Charles & Concilio, P.C., we know that things can be tough during a divorce. We also understand that you need the tools to know your next moves. If you have been spending too much time looking online for answers, take the conversation to a trusted, local family law attorney. We can help you to know how our state operates, and what that means to you and your family. To learn more about divorce and custody in the state of Connecticut, call our office today!

What Does Equitable Distribution Entail?

You and your partner have been working together to create a family, and so, when you divorce, the courts want to know that each person receives their fair share of the rewards. In some states, the goal is to reach an even 50-50 split between the divorcing parties. But here in Connecticut, we operate in a slightly different way.

In our state, we use the concept of “equitable distribution” to divide finances during a divorce. This process aims to find a path forward for each of you by taking a comprehensive look at the lifespan of the marriage. Your judge can take a deep look into the financial and familial input of each member, the length of the marriage, and more in order to find a reasonable solution for everyone involved. Equitable distribution can seem confusing at first, so if you are ready to learn more, talk to our team about your specific situation.

Caring For Your Child Through Custody Discussions

When you and the other person decide to end your relationship, there may be someone else involved. If you and your former partner share one or more children together, then it is time to talk about their future.

Our courts want to know that you two have things covered, and a parenting plan can be a helpful part of that process. these are signed documents from the parents, and they detail the rights and responsibilities of each of you.

Find Your Path Forward With Effective Counsel

Are you looking for answers? To find out more about the divorce process in Connecticut, give us a call. Reach out to The Law Offices of Charles & Concilio, P.C. in Cos Cob, CT at (203)234-1000 today.


The dissolution of a marriage is emotionally difficult, and our team meets you where you are with compassion and understanding.


We represent you and your children’s best interests through custody matters by gaining a thorough understanding of your situation.

Other Services

Our attorneys can provide representation for your children’s best interests and safety when parties cannot reach agreement.