A new chapter begins. Charles & Boni-Vendola, LLC is pleased and proud to announce that Corrine Boni-Vendola has been appointed by the State of Connecticut as a Superior Court Judge. While we will miss her in the daily trenches, we could not be happier for or prouder of Corrine. She will be sworn in today, March 26, 2024, and we look forward to seeing her on the bench continuing her work in the legal system.

With Corrine’s departure, we will be continuing as a new partnership, Charles & Concilio, PC. Nicole Concilio, who has been an attorney for 20 years and has worked with Corrine and Marianne for 17 of those years, going forward will be a named partner. She is well deserving, and we look forward to her ongoing loyalty and diligence to the practice of Family Law.

Marianne, Nicole, and the excellent staff at Charles & Concilio, PC, will continue to expertly serve Fairfield and New Haven counties in all matters related to family and matrimonial law.


Navigating The World Of An Ending Marriage

Navigating The World Of An Ending Marriage

Ending a marriage north haven ct

When you and your partner decide to call it quits, it can be a struggle emotionally, and if you two are married, there are additional factors to consider. The state has a vested interest in your relationship at that point, meaning that you need to go through certain legal steps in order to fully end this partnership. If you have come to the conclusion that divorce is your next move, take some time to meet with a qualified attorney to learn about all of your options to make it a little easier for you to transition out of your marriage.

With our team of dedicated divorce attorneys in Greenwich, CT, you can have a legal expert who can help you to understand the process. One common area of contention is the division of finances, and Connecticut law is fairly clear in that your combined wealth must be divided equitably. In addition, if you two share a child together, it is important to work alongside a trusted attorney in the custody process. Set aside some time to meet with our team to discuss your specific divorce, and we can help you to make the moves that are right for you.

Separating Finances During Divorce Can Be A Point Of Contention

If you have reached the point to where you no longer feel that you can stay in your marriage, the legal elements of your divorce might be the furthest thing from your mind. Unfortunately, the state of Connecticut has certain steps that need to be taken for you to end your marriage in the eyes of the court. One of these points is in the division of your financial wealth.

Here in Connecticut, all possessions are viewed as collective property, meaning that you cannot shield anything from your proceedings. Assets and liabilities must be divided equitably, and while this does not necessarily mean equal, it can highlight the importance of having a dedicated attorney by your side.

Make The Right Decisions For The Future Of Your Child

When you and your spouse share a child together, it can add another wrinkle to the divorce process. By working with a trusted local attorney in establishing parental rights and responsibilities, you can make sure that there is a plan in place for raising your child. Talk to our team about the creation of a parenting plan, also known as a custody agreement.

Ready For A Change? Speak With Our Team

The steps in a Connecticut divorce can be difficult to understand if you are doing it alone. When you want to know more about your next moves, give us a call at Charles & Concilio, LLC located in Greenwich, CT at (203)234-1000!


The dissolution of a marriage is emotionally difficult, and our team meets you where you are with compassion and understanding.


We represent you and your children’s best interests through custody matters by gaining a thorough understanding of your situation.

Other Services

Our attorneys can provide representation for your children’s best interests and safety when parties cannot reach agreement.