The decision to separate from a spouse can be a complex one. Even when the choice is made by both partners and is amicable, there are legal intricacies that could cause you to remain in the marriage. People often allow their marriage to last longer on paper than in actuality. Divorce can then reemerge before key events such as the desire to start a new marriage.
If you are ready to make a change, make sure that you have quality legal counsel on your side. Connecticut recognizes all property as shared between you and your spouse during your marriage. Speak with your Greenwich, CT attorneys about how a legal separation can be a positive step to help you move forward. This process is a legal endeavor that differs from simply living apart. Legal separation can have certain advantages that may benefit you if you share employer-sponsored health insurance coverage or have specific goals. Discuss your options with your legal counsel to determine the right course of action for your individual needs.
Determine Your Next Steps
Your decision to seek a legal separation could be difficult for a variety of reasons. Financially, you and your partner may be tied together in a complex way. Sometimes, couples share ownership of a small business or other assets that can be difficult to divide. If you have children, the decision to separate can also be tricky. A legal separation may provide a more suitable environment for your family if they are finishing high school or close to a significant event.
Connecticut Concepts Of Legal Separation And Divorce
The idea of legal separation in the state of Connecticut may differ from how you envision the term. You can live separately from a spouse indefinitely if you should so choose, but that does not make it a separation according to the state. This process is similar to a divorce, except the partners remain married.
Separation can be rescinded if you and your partner decide to stay together. This is one benefit of legal separation. It can also be helpful if you or your partner relies upon spousal coverage for health insurance. Speak with your team about the specific advantages of this method over a divorce. The right approach can help you and your partner both move on after splitting up.
Learn More From Your Divorce Attorney
Call The Law Offices of Charles & Concilio, LLC in Greenwich, CT at 203-234-1000 to schedule a consultation with our team. Your decisions are important in the end or pause of your marriage. A legal separation may give you advantages over traditional divorce, both financially and for your flexibility. Speak with us about the differences between the two so that you make your decision with a knowledge of the law.